i lol'd so hard when i downloaded these songs. lol
here's the vid for advertising the songs.
link for the songs.
they're great songs that will make you laugh every time. especially if you know team four star, and thier work.
Sunday, December 27, 2009
Thursday, December 17, 2009
the trip
went to louisville for my gf amanda's doctor on the 15th. she had her diabetic pump reset, and changed her settings. now we will go back in january. there we will do some testing to see if our baby is ok. on the way there on the 15th, we were in her mom's tiny pink tracker... every time a semi came by, the car was pushed off toward the side by the winds the semi created. the roof (which is detachable) almost got blown off each time. it was really drafty in the tracker, and we were freezing in the back, since the heater isn't all that great. her mom and dad up front were pretty warm though..... anyways, we were on the road for about 4-5 hours, and were very cramped.
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
black cat update
here's and update on black cat. so far, the plot of the series keeps getting better and better. i can't wait until i read the next chapter. just as i thought when i started reading... this manga is probably going to be on my top of my list of great manga's. so far i've learned more about the characters, and apparently Train (black cat) has lost someone he truly loved when a friend of his killed her. he believed that he was helping Train, but her murder forced them apart. this person (not saying his name for spoiler reasons) seems to have an obsession with Train, and it's kind of creepy... (ok scratch that... it's really really creepy)
apparently there are many people who have strange powers and are able to control thier ki (body's energy) and many use them for murder, and destruction. with where i'm at, Train, Sven (the inteligent side of the group. he creates new weapons, and items to help train and himself) and Eve (girl they saved, and later joined their group. she has nano-bots inside her body that makes her a living weapon) are looking for a mass murder who enjoys killing anybody, no matter who they are. women, children, and men. it doesn't matter, as long as he can hear thier screams. nobody can stop him so far. he uses his ki to strengthen his body. by doing so he goes on killing spree's, and enjoys every minute of it. Train, Sven, and Eve must stop this man at all cost to save the town... and of course earn the 15 million that's on his head.
anyways, if you haven't read the manga, then i'm going to go ahead and suggest for you to read it. even if you don't like books, you will fall in love with the characters, and the amazing story.
apparently there are many people who have strange powers and are able to control thier ki (body's energy) and many use them for murder, and destruction. with where i'm at, Train, Sven (the inteligent side of the group. he creates new weapons, and items to help train and himself) and Eve (girl they saved, and later joined their group. she has nano-bots inside her body that makes her a living weapon) are looking for a mass murder who enjoys killing anybody, no matter who they are. women, children, and men. it doesn't matter, as long as he can hear thier screams. nobody can stop him so far. he uses his ki to strengthen his body. by doing so he goes on killing spree's, and enjoys every minute of it. Train, Sven, and Eve must stop this man at all cost to save the town... and of course earn the 15 million that's on his head.
anyways, if you haven't read the manga, then i'm going to go ahead and suggest for you to read it. even if you don't like books, you will fall in love with the characters, and the amazing story.
on teusday i have to go to lousiville with my girlfriend amanda to see what's going on with the baby. so far, it's just to see if the baby is ok or not. you kmow... the usual tests for autism, mental retardation, and other things like that. also there are tests for physical developments, such as some babies having holes in thier hearts, deformities, ect. like i said... it's the usual tests. i'm a bit nervous for the outcome though... i hope our baby jackie will be ok!
i believe that everyone deserves to live no matter what they do, or have done. i hate the death penalty. they say it's justice, but there is no true justice in this world. when you kill someone, they're gone forever. they won't be coming back. their families are affected so much by all this.
there have been times where someone who was innocent was convicted as being guilty and killed by the government. later they realize that he/she was innocent and the family was informed and sent money.... money doens't cut it! money won't bring back the dead, and it won't settle their despair and anger! like i said before. once someone's dead they'll never return. we all know that!
death penalty to me is a cruel and unusual punishment. why is it considered a punishment to end one's life for hurting/killing another. all that is, is just revenge. revenge never solves anything. it just breeds new hate, and more hate causes more death. why not let that person sit in jail until the day they die. that's a punishment! they get to live through their punishment. but with death, they just die, and that's it.... nothing else. nothing more.
i know that there are some people who are cruel, and insane. others have a mental disease or something like that, and they're given the death penalty as well. some don't even realize what they've done, but they're still treated as if they should die. that's like putting a death penalty on a 6 year old for accidentally shooting somoene with his/her father's gun. they didn't know what they were doing, and yet those with mental illnesses are the same, but treated like a true criminal. it's wrong, and many people know it. but they'd rather have those people die, than live. it's sad, but true.
why is it that we've become a world where death is widely accepted as a form of punishment? many people seem to enjoy watching others die. especially in war. i know we must defend our country, but wars cause so much unnecessary death and destruction. the army trains our soldiers to believe it's ok to kill another just because their the enemy. but that person that had just died most likely has a family. that family also believes that we're the enemy because one of our men just took the life of their loved one. we think the same of them. when it all comes down to it, we're all wrong.
war creates hate, despair, vengence, and death for both sides. the more a war goes on, the more all this builds. and the more these emotions, and problems build, the more destruction and death will accumulate. many people don't understand why i feel this way, and i don't understand how they're ok with death. in a way, i feel sorry for those who feel oposite towards how i feel. they're blind to the way others feel. they see death penalty, war, and other forms of death as no big deal, and for some, it's necessary to them. i hate that kind of ideaology.
death isn't something to think lightly of, but sadly most of the world is that way.
there have been times where someone who was innocent was convicted as being guilty and killed by the government. later they realize that he/she was innocent and the family was informed and sent money.... money doens't cut it! money won't bring back the dead, and it won't settle their despair and anger! like i said before. once someone's dead they'll never return. we all know that!
death penalty to me is a cruel and unusual punishment. why is it considered a punishment to end one's life for hurting/killing another. all that is, is just revenge. revenge never solves anything. it just breeds new hate, and more hate causes more death. why not let that person sit in jail until the day they die. that's a punishment! they get to live through their punishment. but with death, they just die, and that's it.... nothing else. nothing more.
i know that there are some people who are cruel, and insane. others have a mental disease or something like that, and they're given the death penalty as well. some don't even realize what they've done, but they're still treated as if they should die. that's like putting a death penalty on a 6 year old for accidentally shooting somoene with his/her father's gun. they didn't know what they were doing, and yet those with mental illnesses are the same, but treated like a true criminal. it's wrong, and many people know it. but they'd rather have those people die, than live. it's sad, but true.
why is it that we've become a world where death is widely accepted as a form of punishment? many people seem to enjoy watching others die. especially in war. i know we must defend our country, but wars cause so much unnecessary death and destruction. the army trains our soldiers to believe it's ok to kill another just because their the enemy. but that person that had just died most likely has a family. that family also believes that we're the enemy because one of our men just took the life of their loved one. we think the same of them. when it all comes down to it, we're all wrong.
war creates hate, despair, vengence, and death for both sides. the more a war goes on, the more all this builds. and the more these emotions, and problems build, the more destruction and death will accumulate. many people don't understand why i feel this way, and i don't understand how they're ok with death. in a way, i feel sorry for those who feel oposite towards how i feel. they're blind to the way others feel. they see death penalty, war, and other forms of death as no big deal, and for some, it's necessary to them. i hate that kind of ideaology.
death isn't something to think lightly of, but sadly most of the world is that way.
i went to the doctor yesterday with my girlfriend. we heard the baby's heart beat for the first time. we're so excited!!!!! just 6 more months until jackie's born!!!!!!
Friday, December 4, 2009
Jackie Morgan Boyt
i can't wait!!! we'll know if our baby will be a boy or girl in january!!! we of course will be naming our child Jackie Morgan Boyt. we're both so excited to have our first child. we're having some issues with money at the moment, but it'll all work out.
i've been looking up alot of music lately from the 70's and 80's and i happened upon a good band called metallica. i've heard of them before, but i never listened to them before. of course i listened to them, loved them. also the scorpions was good. i found so many good bands, such as led zeppelin, def leopard, twisted sister, ect. i love them all!!!
XIII admission/confession
A while back i did something horrible.... it wasn't on purpouse.... no.... something like this is never not purpousful... that was just a pitiful excuse.... i knew what i was doing, and it was a horrible mistake. i wish i could go back in time and undo that horrible action. it's hard for me to write this, because i want to forget it all.... but forgeting is hard, and something like this shouldn't be forgoten. it should stay with me forever. forever reminding me of how horrible i was at that time, and that i should never attempt anything like that ever again. the horrible deed that i had committed was cheating. i had cheated on my girlfriend after 9 months of being together. it was a horrible mistake. the whole reason for me cheating was because of the way she treated me. i was treated like a dog... even after all the time i sacrificed so many things for her. she was abusive most of the time, and i hate to admit it... at times i was afraid to go to her house. i slowly, over time, started wondering if she truly loved me or not, and if i loved her still. but that day of cheating, i realized that i still loved her. even through all the things that were bad i still loved her. she had already known what had happened a few hours after, and we were seperated for a few weeks... luckily for me that horrible deed i had done had made us closer somehow. she started going to therapy and it's working. she's alot less violent than she used to be, and she's doing her best to treat me better. i still do everything i can for her, and try my best to make her happy, just like i did before. now our relationship is improving alot, and we also have a child on the way. we love eachother more than we ever had before, and i'm talking to her about my promlems now, unlike before. that was biggest reason it all happened. instead of talking and telling her what was wrong, i kept everything bottled up and later had a meltdown. now i know what i should've done, and i wll never make that mistake ever again. we love eachother, and we will be together forever!
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Fruits Basket (furuba)
it's a good manga that i'm reading. so far i'm up to book 9 or 10. i love this manga! it's about a girl named Tohru, who's parents died, and she had to live in the woods in a tent. later the Sohma family took her in as a guest to stay in their home. eventually they accepted her as family, and she now lives there. there's a catch though.... the sohma family has a curse. there are 12 members that have the curse of the zodiac. 12 of them have the spirit of a zodiac animal that resides in them. if they are hugged by the opposite member of sex, or if they become too weak, they turn into their animal zodiac animal. there is also one more person who was supposed to be in the zodiac, but never made it. Kyo the cat. the story revolves around tohru, Kyo the cat, and Yuki the rat. it's basically a love triangle, and eventually Tohru will have to pick who is the one she loves the most.... Yuki, or Kyo which i have a guess who it is, but i'm not saying it just yet. as the story progresses, you watch Tohru bond with all the characters, and you grow a fondness for everyone in the manga. that's all i'm saying for now about the manga. i'm wanting to read more now... lol

Black Cat
i'm reading a good manga called Black Cat. i just started it, so i dont know too much about it, but apparently the main character who is the Black Cat is a famous gunman, who had quit a large organization to become a sweeper. (a bounty hunter) i believe his name was Train... not too sure though. so far that's all i know. but i'm going to continue reading it to find out more. it's quite interesting.

stupid school....
our school is going to make us put our backpacks in school lockers. most people won't have time to get to their lockers, and cause more problems. the cause of it all is a few stupid freshmen bringing illegal things in their backpacks... they got caught, and now this stupid rule was made. everyone in all my classes hates the new backpack in lockers rule, as well as i. what pisses us all off, is as soon as our backpacks go in those lockers, it becomes school property. we all hate that, and we want to keep our backpacks with us.
Monday, November 30, 2009
Naruto VS Gohan
what if somehow with some strange twist Uzumaki, Naruo got into a fight with Son, Gohan? I believe that Naruto would win. we all know that Gohan is soft hearted and wouldn't kill naruto. most likely Gohan would knock out Naruto and walk away. that would be the first mistake... Kyuubi would take over Naruto and produce the Kyuubi's Demon Cloak. through this naruto would start attacking Gohan, which low level ki blasts probably wouldn't work because of the cloak. of course Naruto would be beaten again... but this could trigger more transformations and lead to 4 tails or more. with 4 tails, if Gohan touches the deadly chakra surrounding 4 tails Naruto, Gohan's body would instantly turn to dust from touching the toxic burning chakra.
well that's what i believe... what do you think?
4 Tails Naruto

Son, Gohan
well that's what i believe... what do you think?
4 Tails Naruto

Son, Gohan

No Christmas For My Family
we don't have enough money for christmas this year... we also don't have enough money my girlfriend's and my aniverssary, my sister won't have a birthday either.... my mom may loose her car, and well... we may just loose everything. on top of all that, my gf is pregnant, and i need a job to support her and our baby, but i've been looking ever since the beginning of summer, and i still can't find a job. i need help.... alot of help....
i've been having alot of stress lately.... things with school, my gf, and trying to find work... everything has been piling up on me, and it feels like i'm about to snap... i'm having a hard time sleeping now, because i lay awake thinking for half the night about how to go about doing things, and what could happen.
i know it's a bit late, but i'm thankful for my girlfriend who is 3 months pregnant and our child who is healthy, and still growing. by january we will be able to tell if our baby (jackie) will be either a boy or girl. we can't wait until that day!
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Gash Bell (Zatch Bell)
i've been reading a manga called Gash Bell, or what most people who speak english call, Zatch Bell. i love the manga! i've been reading it for a while now, and am somewhere around chapter 58 i belive... another 300 chapters to go! lol anyways, it's about a middle school boy named Kiyomaro (english- Kiyo) who is extremely intelligent for his age. he didn't go to school much at all, and thought himself better than everyone else. of course his way of thinking was because of how the others treated him because of his intelligence. but that's another story... Kiyomaro's father found a boy named Gash Bell (english- Zatch Bell) in a forrest. his body was badly burnt, and was close to death. apparently through his accident, Gash had lost his memory of everything in his past. after some time the boy healed, and wanted to repay Kiyo's father for saving his life. Kiyomaro's father asked Gash to help Kiyomaro go back to school, and have friends. Gash staying true to his promise to Kiyomaro's father uses a hawk to fly him from england, all the way to japan to meet Kiyomaro and fulfill his promise. at first Kiyomaro hates Gash after he burst in through his 2nd story window naked and holding a huge fish, but through the story thier bonds together grow, especially after they learn that Gash is from the demon realm. he was sent here along with 100 other demons to fight for the right to be king. each demon has a book, and their own spells. as they battle other demons, both Gash and Kiyomaro grow stronger, learn new spells, and beocome closer to thier goals of Gash becoming king, and regaining his lost memories.

new baby
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
loosing the ones you love... and fighting for revenge (not quite done)
The western city of Para glowed in the light of death. Fire rained from the heavens and dug vast craters into the city blocks. Screams of men, women, and children echoed through the boiling air only to be silenced by the flames. People were screaming and chasing after their false vision of safety, as they dove into the river only to be cooked alive under the boiling waters.
I stood at the edge of Para and watched it burn to the ground. My parents were running. They were running to escape their death. But we all know that escaping death is impossible. Two of the Crean army soldiers appeared behind my parents. I watched as one shot flames from his hand. The metal that encased his body glowed and from the light of the deadly flames. His mask of steel prevented me from seeing his face, but I will always remember his voice…
“hey! What do we do about the kid?” called soldier one.
“eh... who cares!? He’ll die out here all by himself anyways. Just leave him.” Replied soldier two.
“ha ha! Alright! Doesn’t matter to me about what happens to him. As long as we wipe out the city, I’m good. Although, I wouldn’t mind hearing the scream of one more person. He he!” laughed soldier one with malice.
Hey John! We have to go back! The leader just called for us. Our job is done here in this god forsaken land.” Yelled soldier two.
I was so infuriated that I had no idea on what I was doing. Rushing towards the metal soldiers, I slammed my fist into one of their backs. (that wasn’t such a smart idea on my part) the sound of bone cracking is unpleasant, especially when it’s your own. Pain shot through my arm as the bones in my hand crunched, cracked, and popped. Screaming in agony I writhed on the dusty ground holding my hand with tears flowing down my cheeks.
“Oh ho ho!!!! So the baby chick wants to play with the big boys now huh?! He he! Alright! I’ll let you feel the pain of playing with the Crean Army!!” screamed John with furious excitement.
John pulled a large gun from a holster on his back and placed the barrel on my shoulder. Looking up, the gun gleaned in the light of the fires behind him.
“Get ready… to feel the pain!!!!” John hollered.
There was a loud explosion. It seemed as if a cannon went off by my head. I couldn’t feel anything at first, but after a few seconds searing pain spread through my body. Screaming and crying, I prayed for the pain to stop. John and the other soldier walked toward a fleet of ships closer to Para, talking and laughing about how much pain John caused me.
They said that I’d die… they said that I with my wounds, I wouldn’t live to see tomorrow. Later that night I gave up on living. After walking a few hours I became too tired. The blood that trickled slowly from my shoulder created a red string across the field. If someone wanted to find me, they’d find my body at the end of the string. From the loss of blood, I blacked out.
I woke up, my right arm in a cast, and my left bandaged up. Sitting up, I looked around and saw that I was in a hospital. The white walls, the smell of alcohol, and old sick people filled the air. My clothes were not on me any longer, but on a chair in the corner. I had iv’s on both arms, and a pure white blanket stretched across me. There was a knock. 3 short quick knocks, and one loud big knock, and an old man probably in his 50’s enters and looks at some clipboard.
“Where am I? why am I here? Shouldn’t I be dead? Looking up full of questions.
Easy on the questions. You’re in Welborn Hospital. I found you a few miles outside the city clinging to life. I brought you back here and treated your wounds… “ answered the old doctor.
“Oh….. is that what happened?” I asked.
“hmm…. It may seem a bit rude to ask after you just woke up, but how did you get such extensive injuries? Looks to me like as if you were shot? That doesn’t explain the damage to your hand, and as to why you were out in the desert.” Questioned the doctor
Gripping the sides of the bed until my knuckles turn white. “Well…. I…. I…. I can’t!” I cried.
“It’s ok. You don’t have to answer me if you don’t want to, but you might not like this…. Here.” Said the doctor, as he handed me a paper. It’s the bill for your stay here.
“WHAT!!!! I can’t afford this!” slamming my fist down onto the bed in anger. “I have no money! My parents are dead, and all my relatives are gone!! How do you expect me to pay 200,000,000 Beri!!” I furiously screamed.
“ Yes, yes. I know you’re frustrasted, but I’ll let this slide. This hospital is so corrupted. All they seem to care about is money. If you can’t pay, then they’ll put you to work as slaves to the company that owns this hospital. But you have something you need to do don’t you? Asked the doctor, watching me nod my head slowly. You can go free. I’ll pay for the expenses.”
“What…? Really? I can go free?” I asked with surprise.
“Yeah, go ahead and go. I’ll take all the iv’s and stuff off of you.” Replied the doctor, while unhooking everything from my scarred body.
“You won’t get into any trouble will you? You know, for letting me go free?” I asked. Studying his face, I waited for his answer.
There was a long pause, and the doctor finally replied, “no of course not. You go ahead and go.”
Ok…. Thank you so much! I yelled as I flew out the room, down the long white hallway, and out the door. I didn’t bother much with staying any longer in that hospital. I wanted out as quickly as possible. “I hope he doesn’t get into trouble… “ I thought to myself. I followed the beaten path that seemed to stretch on and swallowed by the forest in the distance.
I stood at the edge of Para and watched it burn to the ground. My parents were running. They were running to escape their death. But we all know that escaping death is impossible. Two of the Crean army soldiers appeared behind my parents. I watched as one shot flames from his hand. The metal that encased his body glowed and from the light of the deadly flames. His mask of steel prevented me from seeing his face, but I will always remember his voice…
“hey! What do we do about the kid?” called soldier one.
“eh... who cares!? He’ll die out here all by himself anyways. Just leave him.” Replied soldier two.
“ha ha! Alright! Doesn’t matter to me about what happens to him. As long as we wipe out the city, I’m good. Although, I wouldn’t mind hearing the scream of one more person. He he!” laughed soldier one with malice.
Hey John! We have to go back! The leader just called for us. Our job is done here in this god forsaken land.” Yelled soldier two.
I was so infuriated that I had no idea on what I was doing. Rushing towards the metal soldiers, I slammed my fist into one of their backs. (that wasn’t such a smart idea on my part) the sound of bone cracking is unpleasant, especially when it’s your own. Pain shot through my arm as the bones in my hand crunched, cracked, and popped. Screaming in agony I writhed on the dusty ground holding my hand with tears flowing down my cheeks.
“Oh ho ho!!!! So the baby chick wants to play with the big boys now huh?! He he! Alright! I’ll let you feel the pain of playing with the Crean Army!!” screamed John with furious excitement.
John pulled a large gun from a holster on his back and placed the barrel on my shoulder. Looking up, the gun gleaned in the light of the fires behind him.
“Get ready… to feel the pain!!!!” John hollered.
There was a loud explosion. It seemed as if a cannon went off by my head. I couldn’t feel anything at first, but after a few seconds searing pain spread through my body. Screaming and crying, I prayed for the pain to stop. John and the other soldier walked toward a fleet of ships closer to Para, talking and laughing about how much pain John caused me.
They said that I’d die… they said that I with my wounds, I wouldn’t live to see tomorrow. Later that night I gave up on living. After walking a few hours I became too tired. The blood that trickled slowly from my shoulder created a red string across the field. If someone wanted to find me, they’d find my body at the end of the string. From the loss of blood, I blacked out.
I woke up, my right arm in a cast, and my left bandaged up. Sitting up, I looked around and saw that I was in a hospital. The white walls, the smell of alcohol, and old sick people filled the air. My clothes were not on me any longer, but on a chair in the corner. I had iv’s on both arms, and a pure white blanket stretched across me. There was a knock. 3 short quick knocks, and one loud big knock, and an old man probably in his 50’s enters and looks at some clipboard.
“Where am I? why am I here? Shouldn’t I be dead? Looking up full of questions.
Easy on the questions. You’re in Welborn Hospital. I found you a few miles outside the city clinging to life. I brought you back here and treated your wounds… “ answered the old doctor.
“Oh….. is that what happened?” I asked.
“hmm…. It may seem a bit rude to ask after you just woke up, but how did you get such extensive injuries? Looks to me like as if you were shot? That doesn’t explain the damage to your hand, and as to why you were out in the desert.” Questioned the doctor
Gripping the sides of the bed until my knuckles turn white. “Well…. I…. I…. I can’t!” I cried.
“It’s ok. You don’t have to answer me if you don’t want to, but you might not like this…. Here.” Said the doctor, as he handed me a paper. It’s the bill for your stay here.
“WHAT!!!! I can’t afford this!” slamming my fist down onto the bed in anger. “I have no money! My parents are dead, and all my relatives are gone!! How do you expect me to pay 200,000,000 Beri!!” I furiously screamed.
“ Yes, yes. I know you’re frustrasted, but I’ll let this slide. This hospital is so corrupted. All they seem to care about is money. If you can’t pay, then they’ll put you to work as slaves to the company that owns this hospital. But you have something you need to do don’t you? Asked the doctor, watching me nod my head slowly. You can go free. I’ll pay for the expenses.”
“What…? Really? I can go free?” I asked with surprise.
“Yeah, go ahead and go. I’ll take all the iv’s and stuff off of you.” Replied the doctor, while unhooking everything from my scarred body.
“You won’t get into any trouble will you? You know, for letting me go free?” I asked. Studying his face, I waited for his answer.
There was a long pause, and the doctor finally replied, “no of course not. You go ahead and go.”
Ok…. Thank you so much! I yelled as I flew out the room, down the long white hallway, and out the door. I didn’t bother much with staying any longer in that hospital. I wanted out as quickly as possible. “I hope he doesn’t get into trouble… “ I thought to myself. I followed the beaten path that seemed to stretch on and swallowed by the forest in the distance.
Prized Possesions and love
my prized possesion is the things that amanda gave me. everything that i have gotten, and have used while being with amanda. i would do everything i can to protect them. why you ask? because i love amanda! she's the love of my life, and nothing can ever keep us apart.
Friday, November 13, 2009
My Mean Hairy Kitten
my kitten is so mean.. when you play with her, she bites. when you pet her, her hair stands up on end, and scratches. when you give her food, she won't eat it untill you pet her and leave. when you sit down, you get kitten hair all over you. when you talk nicely, she will hiss and hate. when she sleeps on your sheets, you wake up with her hair all over you. my hairy kitty is so mean.....
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
it seems that my life is getting wrapped up with pregnant people. my girlfriend is pregnant, and now my best friend/sister is pregnant as well. she's been having all the signs of pregnancy, and is going for a test soon. i hope she isn't pregnant, but if she is, then i'll have two people to help take care of. my girlfriend is more important, but since my little sis's broke up with her boyfriend, i'll do what i can to help her as well with her pregnancy.
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
peoples perspective of things are so different...
such as the death penalty... many people agree with it, but others like myself do not agree. some say that it's needed. it's justice that needs to be carried out. i however do not believe that it's true justice. the death penalty uses justice as a means to carry out murder with no consequences. what about the family that just lost thier family member? death is a huge blow to a family. also to me it's a cruel punishment to just end someones life. once they're gone, then they're gone. death only causes more pain in this world. i hate death with every fiber of my body. death results in hate which brings about revenge, and revenge only brings more problems. that's all the death penalty is... it's just cruel revenge that is allowed by the government.
on another note, what happens to someone who was framed and was put on death row, and eventually killed by the government? this has happened many times before, and all the family gets is an appollogy and money... the family doesn't need money, or sympathy. what they need is that person that is lost forever back. the death penalty was never a good idea, no matter how many people think it's great, i believe it's wrong.
on another note, what happens to someone who was framed and was put on death row, and eventually killed by the government? this has happened many times before, and all the family gets is an appollogy and money... the family doesn't need money, or sympathy. what they need is that person that is lost forever back. the death penalty was never a good idea, no matter how many people think it's great, i believe it's wrong.
Monday, October 26, 2009
Monday, October 5, 2009
the story beowulf, and the movie has some similarities, but over all, completely different. in the book grendel's arm was ripped off, but the movie had the door slam shut on his arm, causing it to be broken off. also in the movie, people were awake, but in the story, everyone was sleeping. the movie was so different, that the dragon was killed as beowulf's son, and he also became the king of the danes. in the story, beowulf didn't kill the dragon, and the dragon was just some creature in the mountains. also beowulf became king of the geats, not the danes. there are many little minor things that didn't happen in the story, but was in the movie.
Friday, September 4, 2009
Description of One Line of my Poem.
(At times her thorns may hurt, and draw blood) This was because even though she loves me, she gets angry very quickly. she will lash out if you get her mad, she will barrage you with insults, and at times she just wants to see how you'll react when you get hurt. Once she realizes that i'm actually hurt though, she does everything she can to help me feel better. Her love for me is strong, and true. She may have her thorns, but she is still my White Rose, and i would have it no other way.
:Joshua Boyt:
Feeling the warmth of her hugs, like a soft warm blanket wrapped around me from head to toe.
Her love surrounds me, envelops me, and completes my being.
Oh dear God I love her so!
Her soft lips gently kissing mine.
I embrace her and know that she’s so kind.
She is my White Rose, and every day my love for her grows stronger.
I have one wish, and one wish only. I only wish our time on earth could be longer.
Our time seems to fly by oh so quickly.
Even so, time with my White Rose is ever so lovely.
At times her thorns hurt and may draw blood.
I feel the pain deep inside, but remember our love.
Remember the time we’ve had together
My White Rose makes my sadness and pain wither.
Her beauty arises my love and happiness.
And I am reminded of her love with a kiss.
I have one wish, and one wish only. I only wish our time on earth could be longer.
Our time together seems to fly oh so quickly.
Even so, time with my White Rose is oh so lovely.
Dedicated to,
Amanda R. Brown
:Joshua Boyt:
Feeling the warmth of her hugs, like a soft warm blanket wrapped around me from head to toe.
Her love surrounds me, envelops me, and completes my being.
Oh dear God I love her so!
Her soft lips gently kissing mine.
I embrace her and know that she’s so kind.
She is my White Rose, and every day my love for her grows stronger.
I have one wish, and one wish only. I only wish our time on earth could be longer.
Our time seems to fly by oh so quickly.
Even so, time with my White Rose is ever so lovely.
At times her thorns hurt and may draw blood.
I feel the pain deep inside, but remember our love.
Remember the time we’ve had together
My White Rose makes my sadness and pain wither.
Her beauty arises my love and happiness.
And I am reminded of her love with a kiss.
I have one wish, and one wish only. I only wish our time on earth could be longer.
Our time together seems to fly oh so quickly.
Even so, time with my White Rose is oh so lovely.
Dedicated to,
Amanda R. Brown
Thursday, August 27, 2009
My Personal Hero
my personal hero is Lloyd Irving (Tales of Symphonia). He was in a video game, but what he did in the game, the adventures, hardships, ect. changed me. I used to hate everyone. I hated people, and thought that nobody deserved to live. After playing Tales of Symphonia (the game Lloyd is in) my whole idea of people needing to die, people being nothing but evil, ect. changed. I realized that everyone no matter what deserves to live. They all deserve a second chance. we were put on this planet to live, and do whatever it is we were put here to do. Lloyd's ideas, his thinking, his actions, they all helped to change me as i played the game. At the end i realized that my whole way of thinking was wrong. i basically thought the same way as the evil character/boss of the game named Yggdrassil, before i played Tales of Symphonia. In a way, as Lloyd tried to change Yggdrassil, i myself was changed. I am glad that i played that game, and i hope others that think the same way i used to would play the game was well.

Monday, August 24, 2009
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Another one of the best anime's i've ever seen. it's full of epic battles, hollows (evil creatures with skull like mask's from another demention), and shinigami's (death gods).
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Feeling the warmth of her hugs, like a soft warm blanket wrapped around me from head to toe.
Her love surrounds me, envelops me, and completes my being.
Oh dear God I love her so!
Her soft lips gently kissing mine.
I embrace her and know that she’s so kind.
She is my White Rose, and every day my love for her grows stronger.
I have one wish, and one wish only. I only wish our time on earth could be longer.
Our time seems to fly by oh so quickly.
Even so, time with my White Rose is ever so lovely.
At times her thorns hurt and may draw blood.
I feel the pain deep inside, but remember our love.
Remember the time we’ve had together
My White Rose makes my sadness and pain wither.
Her beauty arises my love and happiness.
And I am reminded of her love with a kiss.
I have one wish, and one wish only. I only wish our time on earth could be longer.
Our time together seems to fly oh so quickly.
Even so, time with my White Rose is oh so lovely.
Dedicated to,
Amanda R. Brown
Her love surrounds me, envelops me, and completes my being.
Oh dear God I love her so!
Her soft lips gently kissing mine.
I embrace her and know that she’s so kind.
She is my White Rose, and every day my love for her grows stronger.
I have one wish, and one wish only. I only wish our time on earth could be longer.
Our time seems to fly by oh so quickly.
Even so, time with my White Rose is ever so lovely.
At times her thorns hurt and may draw blood.
I feel the pain deep inside, but remember our love.
Remember the time we’ve had together
My White Rose makes my sadness and pain wither.
Her beauty arises my love and happiness.
And I am reminded of her love with a kiss.
I have one wish, and one wish only. I only wish our time on earth could be longer.
Our time together seems to fly oh so quickly.
Even so, time with my White Rose is oh so lovely.
Dedicated to,
Amanda R. Brown
Monday, August 17, 2009
One Piece
One of the greatest anime's of all time. The story begins with the pirate Monkey D' Luffy. A boy who ate the Gum Gum Fruit, also known as a Devil's Fruit, which turned his body into rubber, travels around the world searching for One Piece. One Piece is the treasure of Gold Rogers, who was the pirate who had owned everything. Many other pirates are scowering across the world as well in order to find One Piece and become the new Pirate King. Luffy's adventures begin with him trying to find a crew. Through his crazy adventures, hillarious stupidity, and epic battles, lufy finds his crew.
Zoro - A swordsman who wields 3 blades, and is fulfilling a promise to a friend to be the greatest swordsman as he travles the world.
Nami - The navigator and uses a breakable staff that controls weather. she's basically in this for the treasure, but still remains friends with the crew. Luffy liberated her from the Mermen's grasp over her and her country, and Nami now follows Luffy to the ends of the earth, searching for treasure and adventures.
Usopp - The crew's sniper, and liar. He's a coward, but when he's truly needed, usopp will be there to.... help in his own way. When usopp puts on a mask that looks like a sun, he thinks of himself as a super hero, and calls himself Sogeking.
Sanji - Cook for the crew, and is a bit of a perv. He travles with Luffy and crew to find All Blue, which is a section of ocean that contains all the ingrediants of the world.
Chopper - The doctor of the ship, and is surprisingly... a raindeer which can take a human form thanks to a Devil Fruit. Chopper's dream ever since he met the false doctor who treated him was to be a pirate, and now it's being fulfilled.
Robin- She used to be an enemy who teamed up with the Shichibukai, Crocodile, but is now part of the crew. she's searching the world to find the ultimate piece of history. Because of a Devil's Fruit she is able to create over a thousand of her hands out of nothing. She usually uses this to break someone's neck from behind.
Franky - Builds the crew a new ship, and stays with them to repair any damage. Also Franky was in a horrible accident, and created an iron android body for himself. Franky left his men to join luffy. He wanted to go on this adventure, and also take care of the new ship he built called the Sunny GO.
Brooks - The ship's musician, and talented swordsman. Thanks to a Devil Fruit Brooks was able to come back to life, but only after 50 years of being dead. Basically he's now a skeleton with an afro.... After wandering the sea's and taking back his shadow from one of the Shichibukai who stole it, Luffy stumbled across his ship. After a great battle on Zombie Island Brooks was no longer lonely when he agreed to join Luffy's crew.
Shichibukai - Powerful pirates that work for the government for protection from being persecuted.
Devil Fruit- Mystical fruit that gives the one who eats it amazing powers. The downside is that there is a price to this power. With the power of the fruits the one who eats it can never swim in the ocean ever again. They become weak and cannot move well enough to swim in the ocean, and sink like a rock. Also special stones called Sea Stones can weaken a devil fruit user, and make them powerless.
Sea Stone- A stone found in the ocean that contains the power of the sea.
Zoro - A swordsman who wields 3 blades, and is fulfilling a promise to a friend to be the greatest swordsman as he travles the world.
Nami - The navigator and uses a breakable staff that controls weather. she's basically in this for the treasure, but still remains friends with the crew. Luffy liberated her from the Mermen's grasp over her and her country, and Nami now follows Luffy to the ends of the earth, searching for treasure and adventures.
Usopp - The crew's sniper, and liar. He's a coward, but when he's truly needed, usopp will be there to.... help in his own way. When usopp puts on a mask that looks like a sun, he thinks of himself as a super hero, and calls himself Sogeking.
Sanji - Cook for the crew, and is a bit of a perv. He travles with Luffy and crew to find All Blue, which is a section of ocean that contains all the ingrediants of the world.
Chopper - The doctor of the ship, and is surprisingly... a raindeer which can take a human form thanks to a Devil Fruit. Chopper's dream ever since he met the false doctor who treated him was to be a pirate, and now it's being fulfilled.
Robin- She used to be an enemy who teamed up with the Shichibukai, Crocodile, but is now part of the crew. she's searching the world to find the ultimate piece of history. Because of a Devil's Fruit she is able to create over a thousand of her hands out of nothing. She usually uses this to break someone's neck from behind.
Franky - Builds the crew a new ship, and stays with them to repair any damage. Also Franky was in a horrible accident, and created an iron android body for himself. Franky left his men to join luffy. He wanted to go on this adventure, and also take care of the new ship he built called the Sunny GO.
Brooks - The ship's musician, and talented swordsman. Thanks to a Devil Fruit Brooks was able to come back to life, but only after 50 years of being dead. Basically he's now a skeleton with an afro.... After wandering the sea's and taking back his shadow from one of the Shichibukai who stole it, Luffy stumbled across his ship. After a great battle on Zombie Island Brooks was no longer lonely when he agreed to join Luffy's crew.
Shichibukai - Powerful pirates that work for the government for protection from being persecuted.
Devil Fruit- Mystical fruit that gives the one who eats it amazing powers. The downside is that there is a price to this power. With the power of the fruits the one who eats it can never swim in the ocean ever again. They become weak and cannot move well enough to swim in the ocean, and sink like a rock. Also special stones called Sea Stones can weaken a devil fruit user, and make them powerless.
Sea Stone- A stone found in the ocean that contains the power of the sea.
Cheese Puffs!!!!!!!!!!!
THEY IS DELICIOUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
THEY IS DELICIOUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thursday, August 13, 2009
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