One of the greatest anime's of all time. The story begins with the pirate Monkey D' Luffy. A boy who ate the Gum Gum Fruit, also known as a Devil's Fruit, which turned his body into rubber, travels around the world searching for One Piece. One Piece is the treasure of Gold Rogers, who was the pirate who had owned everything. Many other pirates are scowering across the world as well in order to find One Piece and become the new Pirate King. Luffy's adventures begin with him trying to find a crew. Through his crazy adventures, hillarious stupidity, and epic battles, lufy finds his crew.
Zoro - A swordsman who wields 3 blades, and is fulfilling a promise to a friend to be the greatest swordsman as he travles the world.
Nami - The navigator and uses a breakable staff that controls weather. she's basically in this for the treasure, but still remains friends with the crew. Luffy liberated her from the Mermen's grasp over her and her country, and Nami now follows Luffy to the ends of the earth, searching for treasure and adventures.
Usopp - The crew's sniper, and liar. He's a coward, but when he's truly needed, usopp will be there to.... help in his own way. When usopp puts on a mask that looks like a sun, he thinks of himself as a super hero, and calls himself Sogeking.
Sanji - Cook for the crew, and is a bit of a perv. He travles with Luffy and crew to find All Blue, which is a section of ocean that contains all the ingrediants of the world.
Chopper - The doctor of the ship, and is surprisingly... a raindeer which can take a human form thanks to a Devil Fruit. Chopper's dream ever since he met the false doctor who treated him was to be a pirate, and now it's being fulfilled.
Robin- She used to be an enemy who teamed up with the Shichibukai, Crocodile, but is now part of the crew. she's searching the world to find the ultimate piece of history. Because of a Devil's Fruit she is able to create over a thousand of her hands out of nothing. She usually uses this to break someone's neck from behind.
Franky - Builds the crew a new ship, and stays with them to repair any damage. Also Franky was in a horrible accident, and created an iron android body for himself. Franky left his men to join luffy. He wanted to go on this adventure, and also take care of the new ship he built called the Sunny GO.
Brooks - The ship's musician, and talented swordsman. Thanks to a Devil Fruit Brooks was able to come back to life, but only after 50 years of being dead. Basically he's now a skeleton with an afro.... After wandering the sea's and taking back his shadow from one of the Shichibukai who stole it, Luffy stumbled across his ship. After a great battle on Zombie Island Brooks was no longer lonely when he agreed to join Luffy's crew.
Shichibukai - Powerful pirates that work for the government for protection from being persecuted.
Devil Fruit- Mystical fruit that gives the one who eats it amazing powers. The downside is that there is a price to this power. With the power of the fruits the one who eats it can never swim in the ocean ever again. They become weak and cannot move well enough to swim in the ocean, and sink like a rock. Also special stones called Sea Stones can weaken a devil fruit user, and make them powerless.
Sea Stone- A stone found in the ocean that contains the power of the sea.
Monday, August 17, 2009
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