Friday, February 19, 2010

are women more evil than men?

why is it when (most of the time) two women get very angry at eachother they try to destroy eachother's lives? they hold such a terrible grudge, and they try to completely ruin eachother. they'll do it physically, mentally, emotionally, or a combanations of two, or all three. with men (usually) men will yell, act tough, and get into eachother's faces, cuss, and insult eachother. usually that's all we do, and then walk away. sometimes men will throw a punch, or get into a fight. but most of the time men will leave eachother alone after that. many times men forgive eachother and become friends, or just go their seperate ways. unlike many women who keep that hate inside and will never forgive. they let thier emotions consume them and eventually more and more of that classic teenage highschool girl drama comes out and continues. many times women will do absolutely everything in thier power to make the other miserable. such things as breaking the other's jewelry, purpously spilling things on thier clothes, spreading vile and untrue rumors, spreading secrets, and many more things that i've witnessed. this has led me to believe that women... epsecially teenage girls, have more evil tendencies than men.

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